Electronic semiconductor industry

Industry:Electronic components

Use of products:FFU aluminum alloy ceiling keel, blind plate

System introduction:The ceiling keel is assembled by the principle of modularization, with the smooth work method, it can complete the large area of the construction in a short period of time, and is more adaptable to the complex and changeable construction environment, with a good control of the construction period and easy to grasp the manpower cost.

Biologicals pharmaceuticals

Use of products: color steel plate ceiling, compartment system, door and window system

System introduction: We strictly follow the current GMP technical standards and industry norms for design. Supply, to provide customers with high-quality qualified products.

Food and medical

Products used: FFU aluminum alloy ceiling keel, blind plate

System introduction: Whether it is a compartment, blind cover plate, lighting fixture, suspension system or FM certified wine system and other accessories, all can be customized according to the customer's requirements for system load, seismic resistance or cost budget needs.

Aerospace and research

Industry:Aerospace research

Use of products: color steel ceiling, partition system, door and window system

System introduction: Modular ceiling system, joining and assembling are included in the consideration, no matter the beauty, strength and convenience, etc., it can be closely integrated with the system of compartment, fire fighting, surveillance, lighting, broadcasting, transmission, air conditioning, monitoring and electricity.

Chemicals and new energy

Overseas projects